Old Timer / Swop Day


Date & time Aug 7 '21, 13:00
MMAC Flyers
Creator James Roney

Who's attending

James Roney Chairman


Old Timer / Swop DayThis event has nothing to do with the age of the pilot, but rather the age of the aircraft and what it stood for.  This day will be dedicated to the celebration of model designs from the past.  Bring out an old timer and have an amazing day at the club.  

A 30 minute window will be dedicated to the planes of old so we can see how many of them we can have in the air at the same time.

Old timer day doubles up as a swap meet, so please bring along planes, engines and any other bits and bops you want to swap and sell as this helps us recycle and helps to promote and keep our hobby alive!

Come hungry, boerie rolls are on the menu!

Please login to the site and confirm your attendance.  If you experience any difficulties, please chat to James on WhatsApp

The Wall

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